Alessandro Intini
Brighton Professional Photography
Alessandro Intini is an Italian photographer born in Italy in 1976. He currently lives in Brighton (UK) where he moved in 2015.
His passion for photography started at school in an afternoon course.
Through the years his love for photography combined with the one for music and this is expressed in many of his works.
He initially became more and more interested in photographing small objects: the protagonists of our daily life, thus he decided to learn Still Life photography.
In 2013-2014 he attended the School of Photography and Cinematography "F Project" in Bari (IT) and he also attended a few workshops throughout Italy and Europe in different styles: street photography, reportage, still life, fashion, portrait and post production.
After moving to Brighton (UK) he started working as a night life photographer and he then fell in love with street photography. He likes representing different aspects of our society and capture it in all its shades.
He joined Brighton and Hove Camera club in 2016 and partecipated in 3 consecutive "Seafront exhibitions" and other different collaborations.
His main artistic influences come from Dada movement and Pop Art.
Alessandro is now a freelance photographer passionate of reportage, event photography and street photography. He enjoys sperimenting different techniques and perspectives and even on a normal day, during a walk with family he is always looking out for new ideas and possibilities to enrich his creative and professional channel.

-"The West Pier : icon", group exhibition, 6th April 2023 - 5th July 2023, West Pier Centre, Brighton.
-"Spirit of Brighton", group exhibition, 5th November 2022 to 25th April 2023 - i360 Event Square, Brighton.
_"Never Normal Brighton Exhibition" Photographers from the Brighton & Hove Calendar
26th November to 2nd December 2021" - Fishing Quarter Gallary - Brighton.
_"Exhibition: Our City", Brighton and Hove Camera Club, group show, seafront Brighton & Hove, October 2020 -
December 2021. The exhibition features as part of the Brighton Photo Fringe 2020.
_ "Seafront Exhibition 2019", group show, seafront Brighton & Hove, July 2019_September 2020.
_ "Jubilee Library Exhibition", group show, Jubilee Library Brighton, Febrary_March 2019.
_ "BHCC Seafront Exhibition", group show, seafront Brighton & Hove, April 2018.
_ "Brighton and Hove Camera Club", group show, Made, Brighton, March_April 2017.
_ “Il Paesaggio", group show, by "Museo Foto Festival Bari", University Museum
of Photography, Bari, October 2015.
_ "Music, Art & Plagiarism", solo show, "Kode_1", Putignano (BA), December 2014.
_ "Art Exchange by Absolut Vodka", group show, Popular Artwork, artistic platform dedicated for the occasion to
Andy Warhol, October 2014.
_ "BRIEF ART - espressioni d'arte a cielo aperto", group show, Art Director Pino Aversa,
Castellana Grotte (BA), August 2014.
_ "Il RiScatto…dell’ombra", group show, 3rd Prize, by the Association of cultural promotion "Vissi d'Arte"
Conversano (BA), August 2014.
_ "Gioco di Specchi_l’uno e il suo contrario", group show, 2nd Prize, President of the jury Tano D'Amico, CSF Adams
(Experimental Center of Photography), ROME, 3-6 July 2014.
_ "A di Underground" [Foto_Graffiti], solo show, "Giovedì Friendly" Eremo Club of Molfetta (BA), June 5, 2014.
_ "Il Mio Filtro Animico", solo show, "Taverneremo" Eremo Club Molfetta (BA), May 17, 2013.
_ "Il RiScatto ... del Brutto", group show, 2nd Prize, edited by the Association of Cultural Promotion "Vissi d'Arte"
Conversano (BA), May 2013.
_ "Il Mio Filtro Animico", solo show, "Globalart" Noicattaro (BA), April 2013.
_ "Rassegna Internazionale Plagi", group show, 2nd Prize, "Globalart" Noicattaro (BA), March 2013.
_ "SYMPOSIA - eat your art", group show, Bari, December 2012 .
_ "Spazio Bianco", group show, with the participation of the Director of the University Museum of Photography
of the Polytechnic in Bari, Pio Meledandri, Putignano (BA), December 2011.